While amongst an internet journey, I stumbled upon this animated masterpiece...
The the story and writing and lacking, the animation and artistic style definitely make up for that.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I invite you to get acquainted with Fire and Ice (1983)! Click the link below to see part 1 of 4. Feel free to see the whole thing!
Besides that, I'm balls deep in a couple of Animations, one of which is really testing my patience and creativity, being several months in production now. See Recent Artwork and previous posts for clues.
Also got some new vids posted! Though one of them was reuploaded due to configuration issues with the YouTube 3D features, but you can view them below, Enjoy!
Last 2 Cartoons: ASDF Trains vs Turtles and Leo & Satan in 3D.
Wonder where Frozenfire came from? ;D